What are Boom Cards?
6 Reasons Why I Love Boom Cards
1. Students love it because they get immediate feedback (Ding!)
Who doesn't love positive feedback? Students quickly learn (or already know) that computer and tablets will give them immediate feedback. Boom cards ding when you select the correct answer. It is very satisfying.
2. You can get a lot of practice in quickly.
The slides change quickly, so you can get many repetitions of practice on a skill quite quickly. Boom cards automatically shuffle up the cards and shuffle up the answer choices (depending on the deck) so students will not be able to memorize the answer order.
Boom cards are also actually great for teaching. You can easily make a slide deck to teach a skill and then put some practice questions in. They have the option to not shuffle in the first few cards (however many you specify). So in other words, I can write some instruction on the first 5 slides, then tell it to only shuffle up cards 6 through 15. See this example.
3. You can assess a student easily.
I've used Boom cards for formative and summative assessments many times. Since the students like using them it's a great way to assess for certain rote skills like letter identifications, number identification, etc.
4. You can prevent students from getting feedback for a wrong answer.
If you tell the slides which answers are wrong, they will say, "Whoops!" when the student selects a wrong answer. Some students like to hear the "Whoops!" sound so they will intentionally pick a wrong answer. However, if all you do is specify the right answers, they will get absolutely no feedback from picking a wrong answer. Nip that in the bud.
5. They are easy to create. No cutting and laminating required!
They are essentially the same as creating any print resource except for the last 3 steps! No printing! No cutting! No laminating! No cutting again!
6. Variety.
There are different types of activities: you can have students click a button, drag and drop, type in an answer, or record their voice. Some people have gotten so creative with them! There are also a plethora of subjects you can find in the store. Anything from Spanish, to early childhood, to music! I even have a few on social/emotional skills for special ed!
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