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Showing posts from July, 2023

6 Reasons Why I Love Boom Cards

What are Boom Cards? Simply put, Boom Cards are digital activities that allow students to learn and practice any skill imaginable! They are decks which are made up of slides. Each slide may have some teaching or a question on it. Students select their answer and it will automatically mark it correct or incorrect. 6 Reasons Why I Love Boom Cards 1. Students love it because they get immediate feedback (Ding!) Who doesn't love positive feedback? Students quickly learn (or already know) that computer and tablets will give them immediate feedback. Boom cards ding when you select the correct answer. It is very satisfying.  2. You can get a lot of practice in quickly. The slides change quickly, so you can get many repetitions of practice on a skill quite quickly. Boom cards automatically shuffle up the cards and shuffle up the answer choices (depending on the deck) so students will not be able to memorize the answer order.  Boom cards are also actually great for teaching . You ca...

Two Skills Your Students Need Even Before Counting - Early Numeracy

Early numeracy skills are the foundation for math success in school and beyond. These skills include counting, number recognition, comparing and manipulating quantities, and understanding patterns. But did you know that counting and number recognition are not the first math skills that students need to learn? Matching and imitating are important prerequisites to counting and number recognition. They are essential early numeracy skills. Matching Matching is a prerequisite for counting. When children are able to match two sets of objects, they are learning that each set has a corresponding number. This is an important step in understanding the concept of counting and latter skills like addition. Imitation Being able to copy models with blocks helps build a foundation for math skills. When children are able to copy a model, they are learning about spatial relationships and how to manipulate objects in space. This is an important skill for understanding concepts such as geometry and m...