What are Boom Cards? Simply put, Boom Cards are digital activities that allow students to learn and practice any skill imaginable! They are decks which are made up of slides. Each slide may have some teaching or a question on it. Students select their answer and it will automatically mark it correct or incorrect. 6 Reasons Why I Love Boom Cards 1. Students love it because they get immediate feedback (Ding!) Who doesn't love positive feedback? Students quickly learn (or already know) that computer and tablets will give them immediate feedback. Boom cards ding when you select the correct answer. It is very satisfying. 2. You can get a lot of practice in quickly. The slides change quickly, so you can get many repetitions of practice on a skill quite quickly. Boom cards automatically shuffle up the cards and shuffle up the answer choices (depending on the deck) so students will not be able to memorize the answer order. Boom cards are also actually great for teaching . You ca...
Being different is just different. Teaching Special Education.