Here's a new thing I decided to do when planning for this year. Since I have students with such a wide range of abilities, I really want to individualize as much as possible. Duh, obviously! That's the goal, right? But I decided to approach thinking about it differently than I have before: I thought out and wrote up an IDEAL day for each student. What would they work on in the areas of self-help skills, vocational skills, academic skills? What gross and fine motor activities would they engage in? What sensory activities would they do? What are their preferred activities that I want to make sure they get to do when they are finished working? I wrote their IEP goals in red because those are the things I for sure need to get to. The black ink is things that would be awesome for them to have exposure to. The IDEAL scenario. So now, as I look at these charts for each of my 9 students, I can decide how I want to schedule our day. Can I incorporate all of the academic skills i...
Being different is just different. Teaching Special Education.